Thursday, May 19, 2011

Changing Clouds of Love

Aren't the skies phenomenal in Missouri? They change so often and the cloud formations go from turbulent to wispy stratus with my favorite the massive cumulus. The only surety here in the weather is that it will change.

And so do relationships, often on a daily basis. The constant, like the sky and heavens above is the certain love one feels for another. That backdrop should not change, but be as eternal as the heavens above. This only happens when we put away our own selfish behaviors. I am as guilty as the next at not doing it all the time. The only redeeming quality any of us can have is that we are working on that betterment. Then trust in the Lords perfect love for we, who are so unworthy.

Yesterday Bob and Britt worked more on the stucco... Wouldn't you guess it's raining again, so that puts the completion of that off till better weather.

Since Bob made the trebuchets (catapults) for the schools to sling water balloons we have been thinking of other fun activities which children could do. Medieval in nature plus ones that will not hurt another. Any ideas?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Married at Last

Analisa and Kenny were radiant after their vows. Together at the romantic couples table they watched over their guest like Royalty.

May they ever enjoy the peace and love that comes through their union. Through all the trial leading up to the wedding they maintained level heads. Although those heads were elevated into the clouds!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tapestry to Mural

Recreating another art work has it's limitations especially if you are working in different mediums. This mural was taken from a tapestry commissioned by Cardinal Wolsey when he was still popular in the court of Henry the VIII.

A tapestry has a woven texture, which I am not quick enough to recreate in paint. So instead I substituted his family crest for a Palmer crest and created a more fluid painting than a woven tapestry. With it, you get the effect without the expense or expertise of a woven tapestry.

Have fun with the art. Dont' be too critical. Enjoy